Monday, April 20, 2009

me love | Techno me

This art piece is part of an art project I have done titled [Techno Me]...
In all my works for this project I focused more on the process of creating a piece... with the minimum computer post production effects and manipulations...

[Me love] talks about how can a human feeling be mediated through technology... and how hard a person has to try in order to start feeling.... it...

In this piece I took a video of a girl typing on the computer [How can I feel him when he types I love you...?] and in an almost monotone saying this sentence.... after that I cut this video into seven pieces... each piece was then assigned a musical note... then I got a score for a ring tone for [Candle in the Wind] by Elton John... and according to that... I played the seven fragments of the video... creating a hidden rhythm... making the end product repetitive, unfinished, and disturbed...
This piece was one of the most talked of... it was considered by some irritating... and by others very painful...
In the press... Mohammed Khader from Alghad wrote that this piece showed how love became painful in the electronic age... and how it runs short of expressing the intensity of the most humane feelings; Love. Where as in JO magazine... They wrote how love can become meaningless and banal... when confronted by a white screen with words appearing and disappearing on it...
As for Alsijll they said that the girl appeared as if she is communicating with the machine and not the human on the other end...

:: Me Talk
:: Me Win

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