Monday, March 13, 2006

The Spring Wind...

Last Saturday I went to a haiku reading and writing workshop!
What I love most about haiku is the minimalist touch… you have to use less and less words to describe a concrete image… not like other kind of poetry… haiku don’t rely much on metaphors and poetical words… rather it describes a scene or draw an image… with less words as possible… yet somehow it puts you in a totally different poetical mood…
I guess the concept of less is more [Sandy my girl] is quite charming in itself… I totally loved it…
And guess what… I had to write my first haiku! =) well we were asked to write a haiku about the spring! And we had a nice walk around the botanic gardens… a rich place for inspiration… of course I couldn’t resist the temptation of using my cam to [haiku] a new type of poetry!
So here it goes… my first haiku…
The silent grey sky
Showers soft rain
Glossy buds

And to get you more in the mood here is other haikus

[[working at it
and working at it
and still the tall grass grows]] Santoka translated by Cid Corman

[[Outside the station,
tree dense with green oranges.
I put down my case.]] Tobias Hill

This workshop is part of the Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace Festival… and took place in the Royal Botanic Gardens.

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